Monday, September 22, 2008

Girl Snake?

I just can't seem to keep up with blogging lately. I am really going to try the next few weeks to get more posts up. Anyway, the baby girl wanted to be a pink snake for Halloween this year. I can't explain her obsession with snakes, lizards and frogs. Big G liked dinosaurs, but his focus was always cars at this age and Molly just likes anything girly. Lil seems to be somewhere in between. She saw this fabric at Hancock's last week and thought it looked like a pink snake!(it is really pink giraffe print) She pleaded to have a snake dress up outfit. This is what I came up with. It is pretty hot down here most of the time, but I figure she can wear white tights and a T-shirt underneath if we need to. I somewhat used Simplicity 0571, view A Lamb costume (this is a far cry from a sweet lamb!). I made the jumpsuit sleevless and made it shorts. Then added a tail that can be removed for a car ride. Also, I took the hood for the lamb and omitted the ears. Added buttons for eyes and a felt tongue. I will say she was super excited, and had to try it on immediately. There are more pics on flickr.
On an unrelated note, I took this pic of Lil the other day. I thought this is how I feel somedays. Don't I wish I could fall asleep that easy, even while eating a fig newton?!

1 comment:

Melanie said...
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I can't believe it has been exactly 8 yrs since my last post! My new year goal is to try to post more, at least more t...